Selective eating – practical strategies for autistic children

FREE webinar via Zoom

Tuesday 23 July, 8.00-9.00 pm AEST

Many children struggle with selective eating, but for autistic children, it can present more severely impacting their health, nutrition and even social interactions.

Melissa Wall (Psychologist and Autism Partnership’s Clinical Director QLD) and Sophie Cirillo (Speech Pathologist) will share insights, tips, and practical strategies so you can support your child in expanding their palate and finding joy in food. The talk will cover:

  • What are the different types of feeding/eating concerns?
  • How do we prepare a child to eat new foods?
  • What are some of the different approaches?
  • What are some of the do’s and don’ts?
  • Where can we find further support?

Who is this talk suitable for?

For parents or carers of autistic children up to 6 years old.

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Address mealtime challenges with expert advice in a supportive environment, register now!

Learn more about your speakers


Melissa Wall

Melissa Wall is Autism Partnership’s Queensland Clinical Director, an Educational and Developmental Psychologist and Board Certified Behaviour Analyst. She has been working with children with ASD and their families for over 23 years in Australia and overseas.

Sophie Cirillo

Sophie is a Certified Practising Speech Pathologist with Autism Partnership. Sophie is passionate about developing children’s communication skills to support them in expressing themselves confidently. She works closely with Behaviour Consultants, Therapists and parents to ensure what children are working on is functional, achievable and can be practised consistently.

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About Autism Partnership

Autism Partnership has been supporting children and families for over 25 years. We believe that every child deserves a life of independence and opportunity. We provide autism-specific services, intervention and support to autistic children and their families. Autism Partnership is a not-for-profit organisation.

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